Entries by Dr. Karen


Mind-Body-Nutrition Strategies to Kick Stress Eating to the Curb

  In today’s post, I am featuring a guest article by Annette Sloan, a mind-body-nutrition coach, speaker, and award-winning educator.  Her business, (w)holehearted, empowers women and teen girls to make peace with food (and themselves) so that they can live confident and courageous lives. Annette earned her B.A. from the University of Denver and is a certified mind-body-nutrition coach through the […]

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Sleep and Your Weight

Do you feel tired or exhausted but still can’t fall asleep at night? Do you have trouble staying asleep? Are you clocking 7-8 hours in bed but still wake up tired in the morning? If you don’t sleep well and are struggling with your weight, then read on for the surprising connection that could be […]